Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Forbidden Words

This is coolbert:

This is all NOT a coincidence. Part of an organized world-wide effort to "clean" up the global-war-against-terror [GWOT] lexicon? Many readers are already familiar with this?

1. "'Jihadist' booted from government lexicon"

Thanks here to Robert Spencer and JihadWatch!

"'Jihadist' booted from government lexicon." A reliable source has informed me [Spencer] that Condoleeza Rice has approved a new lexicon for State Department usage, absolutely forbidding the use of the terms "jihad" and "jihadist" by any State Department official."

"'jihadists' or 'mujahedeen,' according to documents obtained by The Associated Press. Lingo like 'Islamo-fascism' is out, too."

Salafist, takfir - - those terms too are "out"? Forbidden words that can no longer be uttered!

2. "Denmark tries to clean up terror talk "

"COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Aug. 15 (UPI) -- The Danish Intelligence Agency has introduced new guidelines for discussing terrorism, advising authorities to avoid words like jihad and martyr. "

3. "What Do You Call a Terror(Jihad)ist?"

"The word 'jihad' means to 'strive' or 'struggle,' and in the Muslim world it has traditionally been used in tandem with 'fi sabilillah' (“in the path of God”)."

Jihad is recognized to have two meanings and forms. The lesser jihad, meaning war as the term war is generally and commonly understood, and the greater jihad, the latter applying to the individual Muslim striving to achieve moral perfection in their own life.

Persons, apologists [?] for the jihadi, but mildly vociferous to say the least, are constantly lecturing "westerners" as to the "true" meaning of the word jihad? All part of the continuing attempt to portray Islam as purely a "peaceful" religion devoid of strive, friction, and conflict!

"Westerners", persons such as myself, can fully understand and appreciate the semantic difference here. Two valid meanings for the same word, depending upon the context. This is NOT rocket science.

However, surely there is no one that would deny that from the seventh century A.D., onward, THEIR HAS BEEN A MILITANT ASPECT TO ISLAM!! Mohammad was a war chief, military leader, and actually led his forces into combat. This is undeniable. The first three generations of Muslims, to include the generation of Mohammad, did spread the Islamic belief through military conquest. Surely no one would deny this? The Byzantines, the Visigoths, the Persians, etc., all fell victim to the military expeditions of Islamic armies. This too is undeniable!

Someone has suggested an alternative to jihadist or jihadi? YES! Singer and Noor [P. W. Singer is a fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington. Elina Noor is an analyst at the Institute of Strategic and International Studies in Malaysia.] recommend:

"what terms better describe [al] Qaeda members and other violent extremists? 'Muharib' or the more colloquial 'hirabi' or 'hirabist' would be good places to start. 'Hirabah,' the base word, is a term for barbarism or piracy. Unlike 'jihad,' which grants honor, 'hirabah' brings condemnation; it involves unlawful violence and disorder."

Piracy? Members and adherents to Al Qaeda should be considered to be in the same league as pirates? Pirates traditionally have been subject to the harshest of punishments, death by hanging the common and ordinary punishment! Those accused of piracy are said to have committed crimes so egregious and offensive that any and all means can be used to combat the miscreants, the normal safeguards of law not applying to the perpetrators.

My own personal perception is that the message of Noor and others is mis-directed. Rather than trying to educate the "west", approach those adherents of Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden and tell them, in no uncertain terms - - STOP!! As plain, pure and as simple as that!


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