Wednesday, August 27, 2008


This is coolbert:

From the wiki entry for the Tambor class submarine, this caught my attention right away:

"One key to the 'T' [Tambor] 'class' success was the development of a compact diesel engine designed in concert with the American railroad industry, which enthusiastically embraced the benefits of diesel-powered locomotives (and was delighted by the Navy's willingness to fund the huge research and development costs associated with their creation)."

In a "diesel" railroad locomotive, the diesel engine runs a dynamo which provides electric power to an electric motor, the motor actually turning the wheels of the locomotive.

In a diesel powered submarine, while surfaced, the diesel powers the submarine provides power to the propeller shaft, all the while [on the surface] charging electric batteries to be used when the sub is submerged, an electric motor powering the vessel while underwater.

Prior to this concerted R & D effort, there WAS NOT a diesel engine of adequate size or reliability to power a diesel railroad locomotive OR a Tambor class submarine [1500 tons]!

[when you are speaking of having a submarine with an offensive capability able to carry the war to the homeland of the enemy, reliability is A MUST!!]
Both the civilian [railroads] and the military [navy] sectors had a KEEN interest in such [large size, reliability] a diesel engine, and were willing to cooperate with one another in a manner NOT normally seen!

This R & D effort was eminently successful! Six diesels being used PER each Tambor class sub and you had - - a winner. The railroad industry standardizing on the diesel locomotive - - the traditional coal-fired steam locomotives very quickly becoming a thing of the past!

[U.S. made diesel locomotives were so well made and designed to be maintained in such a manner that the locomotive manufacturing industry actually put themselves out of business!! The Electro-Motive Company being just such a concern!]

Today, the railroad industry of the U.S. is enjoying a renaissance of sorts. Trans-shipment of container vessels cross-country, bound from the Asian manufacturer to European markets.

Here is an idea that can be implemented rather quickly, with great benefit to everyone! Again, a cooperative venture of the railroad industry and the military.


I can envision the railroad industry, the military, venture capitalists, and philanthropic billionaires [Bill Gates?] of proven patriotism, providing financing and the appropriate collaboration to create a nation-wide series of R & D laboratories and processing plants FOR THE MANUFACTURER OF BIO-DIESEL!! Providing a wholly independent and indigenous capacity to process and refine a fuel [diesel] vital to both parties [railroad, military].

This is all a no-brainer? A can-do NOW, no serious impediments existing? Will-power and a mover and shaker is all that is needed. I would like to think so!


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